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Lauren Brittain & Dr Victoria Barclay-Timmis

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Lauren Brittain (BBusHRM) is an International, Advanced Clinical EFT Practitioner and Trainer, EFT Research Facilitator, Transformational Leadership Mentor, Psychic Medium and Keynote Speaker based in Australia.

Passionate about helping people lead clear, calm and connected lives, she educates others on how to self regulate their nervous system, clear triggers of past trauma, let go of limiting beliefs and empower them on the journey to emotional freedom and transformation.

As the founder of the Intuitive Tapping Academy, her mission is to put EFT in the hands of as many people worldwide as possible. She does this through 1:1 private consultations, public and corporate workshops, as well as training and certifying health and education professionals and holistic practitioners in EFT Tapping so they may empower their clients with this life-changing tool.

She is passionate about delivering empowering coaching programs, corporate trainings and keynote speeches to create significant change in her clients’ life and business.


Vicki is an AHPRA registered clinical psychologist, member of the Clinical College of the Australian Psychological Society (MAPS) and a Psychology Board Approved Supervisor (BAS).
Vicki completed her PhD and Master of Psychology (Clinical) at the University of Southern Queensland, where she regularly provides supervision and lectures to the Clinical Masters program.

Vicki has worked in private practice for over 10 years, where she enjoys providing individual therapy to clients across their lifespan, utilising a broad repertoire of therapeutic approaches, including CBT, ACT, EMDR, and (more recently!) EFT. She also enjoys clinical assessment, research, teaching, and facilitating professional development workshops. Vicki has recently launched Sky Psychological Services, which aims to improve access to high-quality psychological services in the Toowoomba community and beyond. Vicki believes becoming an EFT Practitioner has proved invaluable; a powerful yet simple technique which has proved an excellent addition to her therapeutic tool box.