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Di from Dimensional Sound Therapy

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Its time to choose you. During a sound session, various healing instruments are used, including Tibetan Singing Bowls, Solfeggio Tuning Forks and Flutes, Gongs, Crystal Singing Bowls and many more are used to create a symphonic sound to allow you to relax into a meditative state and create space to heal your spirit, mind and body. Surrender to the Sound as you lay down comfortably on a mat with your eyes closed while focusing on your breath and the sound. This will take you on a journey within for about 40 minutes. My group sessions are no more than 6 so I can offer some more personalised experiences. One2one sessions are available to book direct by contacting 0416 137 727. Other services which are also available are Gong Baths, Chakra Alignments, Aura Balance, Cord removal, Emotional Release, Trauma Release, House Clearings and Group Collaborations.