NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce Inc's logo

NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce Inc

NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce Inc's logo
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The NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce Inc (NSWICC) is the Peak body for Indigenous Business in NSW and a powerful voice for the needs of Indigenous entrepreneurs, business owners and enterprising communities. Our Vision is for a State that embraces its rich Aboriginal history and culture; and values Indigenous entrepreneurship, innovation and enterprise as an important pillar in a strong New South Wales economy.

Over the last two decades, the NSWICC has created a 'One Stop Shop' model where Indigenous business owners, government and industry come together to build, develop and grow the Indigenous business sector.

The NSWICC is a non-Government, not-for-profit, community-led organisation whose biggest asset is our expertise and partner value proposition. We have leveraged this expertise to create a self-sustaining chamber model that ignites the entrepreneurial spirit of Indigenous people, accelerates Indigenous business and employment growth and, facilitates relationships and networks that enable sustained economic and social inclusion.