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Claudine Gertrude

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I’m passionate about bringing the feminine ways back into our society, all that is involved with this: the raw, real feeling capacity of being woman, the respect and deep reverence of our cyclical nature, our wild, untamed expression, our sexuality and the incredible love and care, that flows when a woman is able to own her wisdom and to express herself accordingly. I'm trained in :: ~ Zen Shiatsu, ~ Yoni Mapping Therapy, ~ Sacred Feminine Yoga (Tigress) ~ Touch for Trauma ~ Trans-personal Psychotherapy It's more than 20 years ago that I arrived in Sydney and embarked on my embodiment journey, exploring bodywork, dance, performance, meditation, yoga and landing more and more deeply in the spaces where women's embodiment, sensuality, sexuality and rite of passage work are being authentically explored and anchored. I've been attending many workshops and seminars of somatic based movement inquiry and I have gone through my own 7 years journey pf somatic based psychotherapy in my 30ties which enabled me to move deeper into owning and expressing my authentic self.