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Blaise Van Hecke

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Blaise van Hecke is co-owner and Publisher at Busybird Publishing. She is also a writer and photographer. In 2018, Blaise published three books: her childhood memoir about growing up on a commune, called The Road to Tralfamadore is Bathed in River Water; as co-author in Live Your Truth, Blaise wrote about her 800kms solo pilgrim walk across Spain; also as co-author in Healthy Spirit, Blaise writes about living a creative life. In 2020, 50 Days for Fifty Years: Walking the Camino de Santiago (memoir), was published by Pinion Press. She runs various workshops for Busybird about writing, editing, and publishing, and is popularly in demand for talks about publishing in general. What Blaise loves most is nurturing an author through the self-publishing process, and the look on their face when they finally have their book in their hands.