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Outloud is an intersectional, CALD-focused social impact arts organisation that creates genuine, meaningful, inspiring opportunities for young people in Western Sydney.

Our award-winning projects address nationally relevant issues that are affecting young people in Western Sydney. We use community-embedded contemporary arts to drive positive change for young people with best practice, evidence-based programs that are fun and inspiring. We specialise in early-intervention harm-reduction that celebrates strengths and amplifies socially-marginalised young people’s thoughts and ideas. We put a spotlight on global issues that are affecting our local young people and amplify their thoughts and ideas. We elevate skills and confidence and aim to build self-efficacy and social cohesion.

We work with young people who are either emerging leaders, at risk, or looking for a way to make a difference. We connect our participants to mentors, their peers, role models and industry contacts. We work with them to create art that challenges, inspires, questions and makes an impact on the participants, their audiences, and hopefully – their wider community. We amplify local voices to create profound and lasting change in South-West Sydney.

Formally known as BYDS – Bankstown Youth Development Service, we’ve been working in Western Sydney since 1991, and have worked with thousands of young people. We can name generations of artists who have built their career after engaging with us.