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Rebecca Rose
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Rebecca is a qualified Sexological Bodyworker and Sex Educator, certified through the Institute of Somatic Sexology. Her challenges, explorations and moments of profound connection and joy in her own sexual journey, have led her to work with other individuals, partnerships and groups in their explorations. Her vision is to create a culture where sex and sexuality are regarded as an integral aspect of each of us and honoured, respected and taught as such. By increasing our knowledge and understanding of our own sexuality, she believes we can better understand our emotional make-up and ourselves as a whole. This then flows into the types of relationships we create, the way we love and how we choose to direct our lives. Rebecca is available for individual and partnered sessions. She also holds workshops, providing people the opportunity to gather together to learn with, and from, each other. She is currently on the board of the SSEAA (Somatic Sex Educators Association of Australasia), the association that provides governance and oversight to the field of Sexological Bodywork.