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Mirella Faulkner

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Mirella is a yoga teacher, breathwork and feminine embodiment facilitator. She has been a yoga teacher for five years and holds qualifications for teaching vinyasa, yin yoga, pranayama (breathwork) and in 2021 completed a feminine embodiment facilitator training. Her teachings are rooted in Taoism, Vedic and Tantric lineages. Mirella’s teaching style is trauma informed and uses tools including interception/felt sense, to encourage curiosity and awareness of bodily and emotional sensation. Mirella predominantly works with women/those who identify as women/womb holders and is dedicated to guiding these humans out of the mind and back into their body. She believes that tuning back into the cyclical nature of our body connects us back to the earth and the cyclical nature of the planet/universe. And that this is what is needed for the future of humanity.