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Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough

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Every week, we work directly with over 3,000 of Marlborough’s young people, across 20 local schools + colleges. Our vision is simple: Thriving young people, strong communities. Our programmes are proven to bring positive changes to the lives of young people. Our programmes have 4 key things in common * They support our tamariki and rangatahi in their journey and key transitions from age 5 to 25 * They build self-belief, confidence and resilience * They develop the skills and attributes necessary to succeed in life * They succeed because we help our young people develop relationships with a “significant other” as a positive influence in their life. Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough is alongside our young people on their journey from age 5 through to 25. Research shows that our programmes are impactful and effective at key stages along that pathway - providing the right tools, strategies and support for them to thrive. To find out more visit