Arts Industry Council of South Australia's logo

Arts Industry Council of South Australia

Arts Industry Council of South Australia's logo
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The Arts Industry Council SA (AICSA) is a non-government not-for-profit acting as an independent voice for the arts in SA.  Run by a volunteer Executive Committee and part-time General Manager, AICSA acts on behalf of our members to advocate for a strong future for South Australian artists, arts workers and arts organisations.

As the state’s independent, sector-wide representative arts body, AICSA is extremely valuable to the South Australian arts sector. AICSA was constituted as an incorporated institution in 1991. The Council receives no ongoing operational funding from the government, and derives its support from the industry through member subscriptions, fundraising, sponsorship, in-kind donations and occasional government project-specific funding.

Our members include over 150 of the state’s arts and cultural organisations, individual arts workers and independent artists. AICSA is able to continue our work solely through the ongoing support of this community and its collective commitment to maintaining our member subscriptions.