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Celia Craig

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Music for Life..

Synesthete and founder of the record label Artaria, an elected Associate of the Royal Academy of Music since 1997, Celia Craig was awarded Exhibitions, Craxton Chamber Music Prize, Advanced and Licentiate Diploma by the UK’s oldest music conservatoire. Trained by renowned Hungarian educator, Bela de Csillery, a pupil of both Kodaly and Hindemith, at Kent Junior Music School, a Scholar at The Purcell School with oboist Nicholas Daniel, at the Royal Academy of Music by George Caird, and at The University of York, Celia was invited as a student to the inaugural Pacific Music Festival in Sapporo Japan under personal tuition with Leonard Bernstein.

Celia produces her own chamber concerts in exquisite venues and bespoke concerts to order for private commissioners, using a network of elite local musicians.