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Fiona Redding

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Be happy. Change your life and transform your approach to business. I help people become happier, with the ultimate goal being inner peace. Through a solid framework and lived experience, 1:1 and group coaching and accountability, retreats, community walks, motivational speaking, as a twice published author and the host of The Happiness Hunter podcast. As the founder of The Happiness Hunter, I have successfully worked with hundreds of stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated people to help them change their life and transform their approach to business. I teach practical and transformational strategies to help you understand exactly what is standing in the way of your happiness and show you the exact steps to take to overcome your challenges. My mission in life is to share everything I have learned – and am continuing to learn – about turning my own life around, and to really help you understand that happiness is to be found in the overcoming of obstacles and challenges in your life, and not in the absence of them. The people I work with have a genuine desire for change. They come from all walks of life, across a wide variety of demographics and industries. I help them to understand their purpose, get clear on their direction in life, build a healthier mindset, increase resiliency, sort out their finances and relationship with money, improve communication and relationships, improve wellbeing, stop drinking, reduce stress, and increase productivity - all while creating greater balance in life and business.