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Luminaires Charitable Trust

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Luminaires Charitable Trust gives young people supported access to the performing arts, with an emphasis on seeking and supporting those who otherwise may not have the opportunity. Luminaires does this by providing possibilities of participation and skill development producing affordable high quality experiences to a youth audience. Confidence, clarity of communication and presentation is enhanced as they work in a team towards a combined goal. Compassion and appreciation for others is cultivated. Self discipline is strengthened. The social interaction of young people within this setting improves significantly as they form the bonds of friendship and discover like-minded peers. A huge benefit to their ongoing mental health and self worth, as they foster a strong sense of identity and self confidence. Luminaires operates according to a policy of inclusivity, we actively seek and sponsor a selection of participants who could not usually be involved with a learning opportunity like this due to financial hardship and struggle with their transportation needs. Our goal is to find ways to fully embrace the greater whanau for all involved, building community enrichment among families of differing backgrounds in activities where they work together as equals.