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Alice MacKinnon

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Hi! I am an Applied Mindfulness Coach, Facilitator and Speaker - known as the Stillness Ninja. I approach mindfulness as a martial art - an engaged, hands-on, embodied process that has a large toolbox of practices to work and play with. I am also a devoted mindfulness practitioner in my own life. 

I write feature articles, books, journals and poetry and I LOVE charging the waves as a surfer, in South East Queensland and Northern NSW. 

With my wife Jen the Naturopath, I produce the "Smart Sassy Seniors" podcast and live events to support all ages of people live rich and meaningful lives. 

For over 20 years I was a professional and community environmental protector, educator and campaigner. During the past 10 years I have consciously addressed workaholism and anxiety to craft a more graceful, creative and sustainable way of living. While this continues to be a work in progress I feel priviledged to share many of my learnings and practices with others through 1-1 coaching, public and organisational workshops and corporate speaking.