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Nikki Staskiewicz

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Nikki is a qualified Nutritionist and Permaculture Designer who beliefs in 'Full Cycle Nutrition'... Aka - how healthy people, healthy food, and a healthy planet are all connected and directly influence one another. Nikki spent much of her youth in rural Australia on the family farm, which instilled a deep connection with the Nature. From camel tour guide in Broome, to English teacher in Argentina, volunteering in Kenya, and working with Indigenous youth in remote central Australia, life has encompassed many rich adventures and challenges so far. Yet, almost 10 years ago Nikki realised to her horror that she had no idea how to grow her own food and was fully reliant on a fortnightly supply truck to access food. Stunned into action she started researching food growing and enrolled to study Permaculture in Mullumbimby. The food journey snowballed from there as she became a local (and organic) food activist and young farmers' advocate. But, unbeknownst to Nikki, a piece was missing. A few years ago she was struck down by acute ulcerative colitis in India and made it out alive by the skin of her teeth. This viscous, involuntary body reset gave Nikki a whole new appreciation for food and its effects on the human body. Furthermore, her journey through the maze of misinformation and slow healing made her so frustrated that she decided to study nutrition... in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Now, with studies and experience in Permaculture and Nutrition under her hat, Nikki has launched 'Nibbled Earth' - a compilation of advice and knowledge from her personal journeying and professional studies. Nibbled Earth helps others to avoid the confusion, frustration, and time-and-money wasting that Nikki has encountered on her own path to greater health. Nibbled Earth helps you to 'heal your gut instinct' - reconnect with your body and actively and confidently grow in your own health and happiness. Nikki hopes to connect with you soon! Qualifications: Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Nutrition) Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Certificate IV Permaculture Certificate III Permaculture Monash University course completions of Low FODMAP Diet for IBS (Dietician Course & Patients Course) Bachelor of Tourism (Sociology, Management) Level 1 Reiki Short courses in Mirimiri and Rongoā Māori