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Western Australia Kannada Sangha

Western Australia Kannada Sangha's logo
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Western Australia Kannada Sangha (WAKS) started on 22nd August, 2009, is the only registered Kannada association in Western Australia (WA). Our mission is to strengthen the Kannada community of WA by providing a forum to pursue literary, cultural, educational and community development activities. It is a voluntary organization primarily run by donations and memberships from interested members of the general public. WAKS has a long way in achieving its objectives and in expanding its activities to new horizons. To bring a sense of festivity into otherwise routine lifestyle, WAKS organises several events through out the year. These events set a stage for Kannada people to meet others of their own community and network. Members get an opportunity to involve themselves and their children in various WAKS activities and expose their children to the rich culture and traditions of Karnataka. The involvement of every Kannadiga of WA in WAKS’s mainstream activities would only enhance and enrich Kannada’s culture and the community’s strength.