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Oliver Samuel Jesshope

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My name means bringer of peace, listener of the divine, beholder of hope & fighting spirit. I was born on Easter Sunday, St. George's Day and it is my mission to create a more beautiful and harmonious world for humanity. I fully embarked on this great venture when I was 16 and have been working assiduously on this idea of a better world since. I am now 22 years of age and have been involved in a plethora of different community groups in Townsville to create the social change necessary to realise the vision I hold, and share with many. My current projects I am organising and working with include; People Things, a group dedicated to bringing community together to practice democracy from the grassroots level. The Townsville Mushroom Society, a community for people to work together and explore the world of fungi and ways it can enrich humanity and our environment. Independent Media Networks, to tell the stories that mainstream media wont report, and to tell more positive ones at that. Townsville Meditators, a community of people who want to normalise meditation and spread the wonders of imagination, and that it need not be bound by the laws of physics. The Smart Coffee Project, for upcycling coffee waste into a potent humisoil product for ATLAS Soils that can drastically remediate soil quality. Youth RESET, a mindfulness program to help youth find peace through simple yoga and breathing techniques. The newest addition to this list is Exotic Grows, because I think it would be incredibly revolutionary to establish an abundance of community food gardens and reignite peoples fascination and knowledge of nature. I love to read about history, philosophy and human nature among an eclectic range of other topics that I think may contribute to realising the vision I see for our great future.