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Nat Wright

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Nat Wright, natural living advocate, owner & chief creator of the Australian Certified Toxic Free, multi award winning brand Verissima Natural Skincare, has a wealth of knowledge on natural health and well-being. Nat will share with you the benefits of using what nature provides us by utilising the 7 principles of health and HOW to easily make them a part of your everyday life. It's time we ditched all the chemical, processed crap, get off the treadmill of fast paced busy-ness and get back to basics, live simply and enjoy life. Nat is on a big mission to teach women how to understand the importance of what goes in and on their body, so they can make informed decisions; decisions that will positively affect their health and well-being and that of their entire family. As far as Nat sees the world, it’s all about simple living, keeping things practical. With over 20 years’ experience in natural health & wellness, Nat wants to help others feel comfortable in their own skin & learn ways to heal themselves and their family, feel energised and live a full happy life.