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Penny Jenkins

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My name is Penny.

From a young age, I have been drawn towards a spiritual way of living and the mind body connection. In 2017, I attended my first Tantrik workshop, which felt like coming home. I continued to explore Tantrik living from here, jumping at the opportunity to study Tantrik, Hatha and Yin yoga in 2021. Since completing teacher training, I continue to live and breathe the yogi system. In combination, I also work within the Community Service sector, having completed a Diploma of Community Services in 2014. Since then I have worked with a diverse range of people in the community, supporting them on their road to recovery.

I currently offer three workshop series-

- Untold; through our storytelling their voices are heard. 

- Embrace; the gift that is you. 

- Honour; the season within. 

Both the Untold and Embrace series were created from lived experience.

Untold; was lovingly weaved into fruition after I experienced my first pregnancy loss in 2020. Since then, within one year I went on to experience four pregnancy losses in total. Each carrying their own individual story, grief and loss. Initially I kept my loss under wraps, telling co-workers I had been “sick” when in fact I lost a baby, experienced multiple procedures, which in the end resulted in the loss of a tube due to an ectopic pregnancy. After my second pregnancy loss, a miscarriage, I felt an urge to share. I no longer wanted to write it off as sickness. The reality was I was grieving. I found profound healing in sharing my story, in raising awareness (through Sands Australia), by breaking what I experienced is a stigma around pregnancy loss.

“For me as a woman who has experienced pregnancy loss, the most intimate death is that of one which literally passes through you. The grief and loss is palpable, and at times, you can feel very isolated in your experience. This is how I felt until I started to share my story publicly. It was then when friends and strangers came to me and shared their stories. I felt heard and understood, yet these conversations were private, one on one. I found transformational healing came when I went to a women’s circle and I was heard, fully, for the first time. With no suggestion, no toxic positivity. Simply heard by women. This circled fuelled a desire to hold space for other women to experience the same healing I felt in this moment. Supported by women with shared experience. Allowing the revolution of sharing our babies stories, our stories therefore normalising the conversation, removing stigma for women to come.

Embrace; was cultivated in honour of a mantra I created for myself during (and currently) as I ride the wave of infertility, " Embrace the gift that is you". With the realisation we all go through times where we feel disconnected from ourselves for a myriad of reasons. Embrace allows all genders who attend the workshop to reconnect, surrender to self & journey within. 

Honour; blossomed to life due to my sheer love of nature and the human bodies connection to the world around us. 

As I evolve as a person so too will my offerings. 

I look forward to sharing space with you soon. 

Much Love- PJ xx