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Melliodora Publishing

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Melliodora is a small specialist publisher dedicated to producing a select range of books to support individuals in their personal permaculture, regenerative and environmental education journeys. Titles include: Retrosuburbia, The Art of Frugal Hedonism, and Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability. We are guided by the permaculture ethics in each step of the book creation and distribution process, through practices such as: - Preferencing printing with owner-operated businesses in Australia rather than globalised corporations; - Providing a fair share return to authors, illustrators, editors and other creative contributors - Minimising adverse environmental impacts of the whole book creation, including printing, logistics and marketing chain bypassing the traditional gatekeepers of the publishing industry, and working outside the monopolistic distribution and marketing systems of the online conglomerates - Using profits from financially successful projects to subsidise projects that reflect permaculture ethics and design principles.