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Claudia Scalisi, Intimacy Mentor for Women

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International Best Selling Author and Public Speaker, Claudia Scalisi specialises in Intimacy Coaching for women who are ready to live with greater joy, thrive in nourishing relationships and experience heightened levels of pleasure. With a lifetime of study in embodiment practices including; self-awareness and breath refining practices, prayer, yoga, meditation and as a WomanSpeak Circle Leader, Claudia combines her deep understanding of energy alignment in support of women to surrender social conditioning that has kept them from fully expressing their ideas, needs and heartfelt desires. Claudia is a stand for women learning how to reconcile with their past and take ownership of their lives to live with unabashed creative self-expression. This is the real essence of Claudia’s work; to empower women in developing deep emotional wellbeing, nurture their body’s unique intelligence and use the power of their voices to create epic change in our world.