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Leonie Laukkanen

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Leonie is a confident, charismatic, and inspiring spiritual thought leader. An excellent communicator that builds networks, creates partnerships and develops strong relationships, Leonie is an engaging speaker that allows people to instantly feel comfortable and has the ability to facilitate open conversations that promote connection. Her mission is to inspire people to prioritise their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health in all areas of their life. Leonie is a yoga and mindfulness teacher and an Intuitive Intelligence trainer. Her mission is to return women to wholeness. Leonie has been running her own multi award-winning business for over 10 years and has written 2 best-selling books, Mother Om, and Awakening and created the Magnetic Mama Podcast. Leonie has also mentored clients to help them create their own successful businesses. She has a deep understanding of how to create a powerful brand, build a credible profile and be a successful speaker. She has run sell-out events, workshops and retreats and has presented as a keynote speaker alongside such luminaries as Maggie Dent and Mia Freedman. Leonie’s values are connection, compassion, commitment, and community. She is described as energetic, productive, passionate and kind-hearted. She is a loving mother to 3 young children and values living a healthy mindful life. Leonie is a Corporate Wellness facilitator. Topics include Mindfulness, Work-Life Balance, Parenting, Resilience, Trust, Managing your Energy, Not Your Time. Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management, Gratitude, Positive Psychology, Mental Health and Leadership Development. Her clients have included: Honeywell, Dulux, Apple, Amazon, Tata Consultancy, and CSIRO. Leonie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication majoring in Psychology. She has travelled extensively to over 65 countries. Leonie has been featured in many publications including The Daily Telegraph, Wellbeing Magazine, Practical parenting and has won 5 business awards.