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Sara Revet

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Welcome to Art en Soul events! I am Sara and I am passionate about fostering connections among humans. I firmly believe in the power of collaboration, support, and helping one another, especially when it comes to the beneficial impact it has on those attending our workshops and sessions. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between giving and receiving for the greater good of all involved.

I am based in Quinns Rocks and throughout the years, I have dedicated myself to acquiring certification in high-quality courses. This investment allows me to pass on my knowledge to you through my Mini Workshops. My ultimate goal is to witness positive transformations in homes, spaces, and individuals. I am constantly seeking to uncover the truths of the universe, exploring the reasons and methods behind everything, and I am committed to a lifetime of continuous learning and growth.

Creating is one of my passions, as it greatly benefits the mind, body, and soul. Whether it involves working with wood, colors, or paint, as long as it holds meaning and evokes a personal connection, I am fully engaged. The process of connecting with people is also an integral part of my creative journey. I approach teaching in the same manner as I do consultations. What does this mean? When I offer Reiki, for example, I incorporate elements from my diverse range of knowledge and experiences. Each consultation is unique, just like my approach to Feng Shui consultations. It is this dynamic nature of my work that ignites my spirit and passion.

In my workshops, I strive to infuse this same spirit, assisting you on your personal journey. I am here to support you and guide you through the process.

I have opted for humantix as my preferred platform for promoting events because it resonates with my personal values and actively contributes to society.

Look forward meeting you at one of the events.