Merging the light, the organic, the ecstatic with the monolithic, the fuzzy, the droney, Turtle Skull have forged a reputation around their signature ‘flower doom’ sound. Drawing on diverse influences from Sleep and Black Mountain to Dungen and Bright Black Morning Light, the band aim to create an immersive and transformative experience.
And that’s how it all started. Before they even had a name, they’d written and recorded their self-titled debut record, a varied compilation of emotive, riff-driven soundscapes. The process of that recording session resonated with the band members on a spiritual level, catalysing the development of their now well-respected live show.
They’ve since toured the east coast of Australia selling out their own shows in Sydney and Melbourne. They have played festivals Folk Rhythm Life (VIC), King Street Crawl (Syd), Ninch Fest (VIC), Rise of the Riff (Bris), Nicefest (Syd), Wo Fest (Melb), and Psyfari (ACT). And supported leading National and International acts like San Diego riff wizards Earthless, Greek space rockers Naxatras, California’s original desert rockers Yawning Man, Texan blues stoners Wo Fat, Melbourne heavy psych groups Stonefield, Flyying Colours, Buried Feather and Child, and Sydney heroes The Laurels.
In 2020 Turtle Skull released three singles, two accompanying videos, and their much-anticipated follow up album ‘Monoliths’. Unlike the spontaneous approach to the first, this piece is the product of a more carefully considered process. It’s everything the first record is and more - heavier riffs, deeper emotion, and the intricacies of a fully developed concept.
Monoliths debuted at #1 on the 100% Independent Albums chart and #6 on the Independent Label Albums chart run by AIR (Australian Independent Record Labels Association) and reached #4 in the august edition of the music journalist curated Doom Charts.
After a short rest during Covid, Turtle Skull are preparing to return to the stage with renewed energy and a chance to bring Monoliths to life for their fans.