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Rhi Wihardjo

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Rhi is a certified Life Coach, Reiki Master, Australian Bush Flower Essences Practitioner, and Yin Yoga teacher. Rhi is passionate about supporting the individual on their unique journey of healing, growth and expansion. Working from a trauma-informed lens, Rhi takes great care in helping her clients feel more safe and supported within their own body, energy and in the space itself for deep healing to occur. Rhi’s intention is to meet her clients where they are at. She believes in taking a more grounded and slow approach, working with the body’s natural rhythms and capacity; to not overwhelm your system. 

Rhi’s mission is to empower and help you feel safe to be yourself so you can share your unique light in the world and live to your life in an aligned and wholehearted way. She is here to support you on your healing journey to awaken your inner confidence and connect with your inner wisdom so you can be your most true self.