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Mehmet Sogan
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I believe communication is the first step to solving anything. That’s why we value trust, transparency, and mindfulness in everything we do. ​ Coffee flows in my blood since my childhood in Paris, France where I observed how connecting it can be. From the cafe at the terrasse to a warm cup of Turkish coffee, it was always a connecting moment between people and culture. After I got my degree in thermodynamics, I started to learn about coffee farming in Colombia out of curiosity. What was a little trip ended up being a fortune. I worked as a barista in Brazil, got trained and trained others in London, UK to bring awareness on specialty coffee. ​ Moved to the US in 2019, I launched Memli Coffee Lab to propose an innovative approach to coffee roasting with a focus on sensory experiences, and education. Looking back, coffee has always been in my life. As we say in French, it's my "madeleine de Proust" and my glimmer of hope at the same time. I hope you can catch me one day and share ideas around a cup of coffee