FWEA is a social deed. Our purpose is to educate children and young people to be powerfully equipped in becoming individuals who contribute to creating a more compassionate and fair society for all.
We propose three domains of human social activity which should be kept independent and autonomous: economic, legal, and cultural.
~ The economic realm relates to how human needs are met. It is organised and carried out. in the spirit of brotherhood.
~ The legal realm is called the “rights” or “equality” domain. Its role is to establish and enforce policies to which each member of our community is equally accountable.
~ The cultural realm is about the cultivation and recognition of human capacities.
Waldorf education focuses on a holistic model of addressing curriculum through the Head, Heart and Hands to achieve this; Waldorf curriculum emphasises learning through doing and incorporating art, music and handwork into daily rhythmic routines. More than merely developmental education, the true task and uniqueness of Waldorf education, is that it’s designed to awaken the capacities within the child, rather than merely thrust intellectual content upon them.