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Zilke Kari

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Zilke Kari is an Open Floor International teacher in training, with over 20 years experience in a number of creative, conscious, and artistic dance modalities. She has a gentle, welcoming manner, which immediately helps people feel at ease. Zilke's music tastes are influenced by a wide range of genres, which include world music, indie, popular or well-known tunes, and ambient grooves. She tunes into the vibe of the room and blends rhythms to match. She has been a teacher for of various things for 21 years, working with children, youth, and adults of all abilities. She sees all people, inluding her students, as her teachers. She grew up in QLD, has lived in Germany, the UK, and Melbourne, but has been in Ballarat since 2017. She is part of the LGBQTi+ community, and her pronouns are she/her.