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Charli DeLuna

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Charli from Sacred Heart Holistic Healing is a Reiki Practitioner and Sacred Space Holder who takes a Holistic approach to healing. She creates warm and inviting spaces for women to share vulnerably and to feel heard and validated. Charli is a purpose-driven entrepreneur who loves to share her gifts and talents and what she has learnt along her journey that has helped her to live a fulfilling and deeply connective life. She does this by showing up authentically and connecting with those she can serve. Her focus is on health and wellbeing whether that is spiritual, somatic, emotional mind based or heart based and she incorporates this into everything she does. She also has a love for Mother Earth and a special interest in sustainability. Her values are: * Transparency * Authenticity * Freedom * Exploration * Truth * Creativity * Integrity * Self-trust * Learning * Intuition * Fun * Connection