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Jack Miller

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I provide hands-on workshops that cater to those who are new to the craft or those who wish to expand on their current skills.

For the past 30+ years I have passionately embarked on exploring the skills and artistry of leathercraft, while continuing to discover new ways of creating with this amazing resource.

This has lead me to sharing with others what I have learnt, while encouraging others to discover their own flavour.

I have shared these skills and encouragement throughout various fields over the past 26 years, which have included correctional, disability and youth services, as well as various public settings Australia wide. 

My teachings are designed to assist those involved in easily gaining artistic/handcraft skills and personal fulfilment. I’m inspired by witnessing the joy and empowerment that is gained by others when they step up and awaken more of their natural creativity through leathercraft. I offer this opportunity to you.

I look forward to sharing my vast knowledge and assisting all to gain the experience and confidence needed to continue creating with leathercraft in your own environment.

Regards, Jack.