Have you ever felt that there was more to life than the standard 9 to 5 workday and 35 year mortgage? Elise struggled with this feeling for years before finally deciding to listen to her gut and choose the road less travelled. Taking a leap of Faith, Elise threw herself into intuitive travel. By trusting her angel guides and instincts, she was able to embody the flow of surrender. Her unwavering trust in divine guidance allowed her to embrace unexpected experiences that became the catalyst for an inner journey that would change her life forever.
A healer at heart, she found herself drawn to many inspiring healers on her travels and continued to explore different modalities that would deepen her determination to become an energetic healer herself. These transformative experiences give Elise a unique perspective that allows her to guide you on a journey of inner exploration of self-discovery and healing. Her unconditional loving energy infuses you with the space to experience your own expansive transformation through potent reiki healings, guided meditations, cacao ceremonies, and events.