Tas Suicide Prevention Community Network's logo

Tas Suicide Prevention Community Network

Tas Suicide Prevention Community Network's logo
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The Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Community Network (TSPCN) values the input and actions of all Tasmanians who are interested in or affected by suicide.

The network offers a platform for individuals and organisations to share their experiences and have a say in decision-making processes. We do not provide clinical services for people in crisis. If you or someone you care about is experiencing personal distress or crisis, there are ways you can get support. Click here for more information on supports available.

Through the TSPCN, members come together to discuss and address issues related to suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. The network’s core belief is that everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide, and communities that are resilient and willing to openly discuss suicide-related matters are better equipped to tackle the problem.

The TSPCN provides all Tasmanians interested in suicide prevention, with a voice. Anyone can become a free member of the TSPCN, and the level of your involvement with the activities of the TSPCN is your choice.