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Dani Ferrier

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Hi, I am Dani Ferrier the founder of Dani Ferrier Coaching. Through my online program, workshops, and one on one coaching I help leaders who want to get out of overwhelm and create strategies to engage their team. ​ ​I trust that this is the beginning of an awesome relationship and I look forward to watching your journey unfold. Together we will build positive workplace structures so you can step back and watch your team thrive without you having to be there. As you make this commitment to developing your leadership skills you will notice the pressure release as you empower others to take on new roles and free you up to work on the business instead of in it. During my world-class training at the Coaching Institute in Melbourne, I learned the models and tools of the only research-based coaching mythology in the industry. I use Meta Dynamics which has a unique Leadership Profile Tool and powerful insights to identify the gaps in your thinking that may be holding you back from being the leader you have always wanted to be. With my accreditation and expertise, you can be certain of your results. You will notice the difference as you create amazing relationships and trust through meaningful action. You will be able to learn leadership success principles and become an inspiration to those around you. You will discover a way to have more fun, feel understood and live a life of impact. ​ When you invest in leadership coaching there is nothing you cannot achieve because I am here to champion you, support you during the challenges, and hold you accountable to guarantee results.