Portland Psychedelic Society's logo

Portland Psychedelic Society

Portland Psychedelic Society's logo
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Portland Psychedelic Society (PPS) is a not-for-profit, donation-based organization with the mission to create inclusive space for people to share, learn, and grow together in community through the pillars of psychedelic integration, education, and research. We bring in healers, leaders, and researchers to share their practices, findings, and wisdom. Highlighting the harm reduction practices of set, setting, and dosing; we equip our members with the knowledge to safely explore their consciousness and empower them to advocate for their ability to do so. We envision a world where people have the freedom and support to explore consciousness through psychedelics. Learn more at https://www.portlandpsychedelic.org or https://linktr.ee/portlandpsychedelic. Contact us at contact@portlandpsychedelic.org for more information.