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Ciara Hannon

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HOWDY! My name is Ciara Hannon. I am a 22-year-old Orlando Native who lives and breathes live theatre. I use They/Them pronouns BUT! When “Everywhere” by Fleetwood Mac comes on, I do use She/Her pronouns. I am a writer, director, and producer. I have produced 2 shows under my production company “11th Hour Productions” My works include Leviticus (2019) which won Best New Producer, Sponsor pick for the Yellow Venue, and Best Supporting LGBTQ Actress awards. An Adele Horror Story (2021) was named “The Fringest of the Fringe” award for the festival. An Adele Horror Story was a parody of horror film classics while also being an Adele jukebox musical. The main couple who was the center of the story was a lesbian couple. The reason why I do what I do. Is to put out into the world queer stories that I wish I had when I was younger.