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Erin Deering

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Erin Deering is a Holistic Mentor, Educator & Speaker, who supports women to “feel good, look good and do good”. In 2012, she co-founded Triangl Swimwear, a swimwear brand donned by A-list celebrities such as the Kardashians. In 2015, the company was valued at US$200 million. From the outside, it looked like she was living the ‘dream life’, when in reality, she her identity in the business. In 2018, she decided to exit the business and embarked on a four year long journey to repair her relationship with herself. On this road, she discovered that her purpose is to support and heal women. In her sessions, she will teach you that the small changes in your day, are the ones that can have the biggest impact. She's about teaching practical steps to cultivate a real feeling of self belief, a feeling of worth, and how to move forward with a living a beautiful life, every day.