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Ad Astra Theatre Company

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Ad Astra is a professional theatre company dedicated to the development of performances that push artists to create work beyond all expectations. ooOoo ‘Experience has proven that Ad Astra is not only to be commended for its interesting production choices, but its often inventive staging of these, especially given the company’s intimate performance space. Meredith Walker - Blue Curtains | Read more A love of the process combined with a passion for performance allows actors and creatives to design, develop and deliver both new and established work. Ad Astra is always striving to push the boundaries of their directors, actors and crews as well as the audience limits. We challenge actors and creatives to explore their passion for their artform, by developing theatre that takes the audience to the stars and engages them in other worlds. Ad Astra will nourish new and developing stars, providing an incubator for ideas and talent, ultimately launching actors and creatives to new heights. With passion and imagination, our artists will defy gravity, boldly exploring the reaches of their capabilities.