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Livvy Drake - Sustainable Sidekicks

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The Sustainable Sidekicks provide training and support for changemakers, campaigners, green champions and business owners who's purpose is to reduce their environmental impact and increase their positive impact. Lead Sidekick Livvy Drake has a background in events and marketing. When she began working in the field of sustainable events and plastics campaigning she realised that the environmental sector was not engaging people outside of its green bubble. So she began training in and working with behaviour change practitioners to understand how greater crossover could be achieved and how marketing and communications of environmental issues could be presented differently. She has worked on waste reduction projects for events and festivals, award-winning plastic reduction initiatives as well as providing training and support to reuse schemes and engagement initiatives. These training modules on behaviour change package up some of the key principles Livvy finds are applicable to behaviours on a day-to-day basis and can easily be adopted and understood to deliver change outside of the ‘eco echo chamber’.