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Bobby Runningfox

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A Native American Medicine Man. Bobby’s mission statement is to empower you to heal yourself by reminding you of your magnificence. Bobby comes from a long line of Native American healers. His grandmother was the Medicine Woman of the village and his uncle was a powerful shaman, who taught him healing abilities. Bobby blends healing with native traditions. Being Native, the essence of what Bobby does is always infused with his culture. He believes that everybody is a healer and strives to empower you to find your awakening. Bobby is an extraordinary, gifted healer of Cherokee descent. Healing is what he does, it is inherent in his nature and well-being. Bobby’s uncle Sixto and his maternal grandmother, also had the gift of healing, and shared their wisdom with Bobby when he was a young man. At age 7, the name 'Runningfox' was given to him by his grandmother who saw a vision of herself as a little girl alone, feeling lost and afraid in a dark forest. Then a fox appeared, and looked straight into her eyes urging her to follow him. He ran fast and she said, "slow down running fox". He led her to her family. His grandmother saw that Bobby would lead many to safety in his lifetime. Bobby has his 3rd eye fully open and active which allows him to literally “see” into a person’s body. “The body talks to me. As a child, I first started working on animals, then at age 20, I had a near-death experience in the Navy, which propelled me to start working on people. I see where trauma first occurred and who is/was responsible. Every person’s body contains a history within their cells. It’s fascinating. And the beautiful part is that our bodies are SELF-HEALING MACHINES when we can allow ourselves to SURRENDER and RECEIVE." He teaches you to become your own source of healing, your own guru. Focusing on, “if you got yourself sick/injured, then you have same ability to get yourself better”. Belief, intention and the will to act/change is the recipe. Well that’s just a taste…