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Sustainability for Kids

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Sustainability for Kids is a start-up business, founded in March 2022, with the aim to educate younger generations on how to make the switch to a more sustainable living. Based on latest research, education is key to achieve sustainability targets and this is the main reason why Sustainability for Kids exists. The book - The World Behind Recycling - is believed to be the first Australian children’s book that helps to create awareness, as well as change behaviours around recycling. 
Yes, we are still a very small business! but with a big desire to grow and create collaboration opportunities that lead us to educate more and more kids on the importance of protecting the planet. 

Our commitment to the Environment:

Sustainability for Kids, is dedicated to empowering the next generation to become sustainability champions and make a positive impact on the planet, this is why we joined the Blue Rio Program from Ocean Integrity
The World Behind Recycling is an educational book to teach kids about recyclability, recyclable materials and the process behind recycling and for every book sold, we will remove 1 kg of plastic from the ocean through Ocean Integrity. By doing so, we are not only cleaning up our oceans but also raising awareness and inspiring children to take action towards a sustainable future from an early age.
We believe that the future of our planet is in the hands of our children, and we are committed to providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to create a better world.