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Eunoia Mindset

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What is Eunoia 

[yoo noy uh] - Greek
(n.) beautiful thinking, a well-balanced mind 

Unlocking Eunoia 

Eunoia cannot be accessed when we’re in survival mode or we are drowning in daily stressors.

But when we learn to master our mindset, we learn how to rise above those stressors.

When you bring an energy of freedom, focus and genuine fulfilment to your life and your business incredible things happen.

Meet Our Founders

Zoi Saad

Zoi is a Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT), Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Breath Work, Spinal Energetics & Reiki Practitioner. She specialises in bringing your unconscious mind and your energy body into alignment with your vision for the future.

In a previous life, Zoi spent years working in boutique finance firms and small creative agencies, giving her a very clear and real understanding of the pressures facing small business. Her therapeutic journey began when she first experienced hypnotherapy herself, unlocking in her a 5-year healing journey that freed her from immense shame, fear and self-doubt and allowed her to reconnect with her innate power.

Sophia Barros

Sophia is a Performance and Leadership Coach with over 20 years experience in management & small business. Born into the world of entrepreneurship, hustle and sacrifice were the culture Sophia grew up in. While juggling a 7-figure business and a post-grad in psychology, she spiralled into burnout.

It wasn’t until she trained as a mindset coach and found mindfulness & other holistic health practices that she began healing her body from decades of neglect. These days, Sophia is passionate about helping other business owners, operate from a space of sustainable high-performance and balance. She's also a mum, who understands the pressures facing self-employed families.