Noel has been a practitioner of yoga and meditation for more that 25 years. Initiated in the Saraswati Lineage of Yoga in the year 2000 he went on to acquire a diploma in teaching yoga, attending many Ashram programs in India & Australia. Working under many inspiring teachers over the following years, Noel simultaneously had the practical experience of applying Yoga principles to everyday family and business life.
In doing so he has not only found the more well known practices of asana, (posture), and pranayama, (breath work), effective in maintaining the physical aspect and overall well being, but combined with deep relaxation and meditation, a refined and powerful way to access our real nature, optimise the life experience and fulfil those aspirations that often lie hidden or neglected! With experience teaching yoga in suburban venues, schools & prisons, one day workshops and weekend retreats he also offers one on one consultation supporting others to develop their home practice and apply yoga philosophy as a way of life.