Abby Hosie

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Hey there! I'm Abby, your yin yoga instructor and fellow seeker on this beautiful path of self-discovery.

My yoga journey began 15 years ago when I first stepped onto the mat, not knowing it would become a lifelong passion. Since then, yoga has been my constant companion, teaching me invaluable lessons about mind, body, and spirit.

While I'm relatively new to teaching, my experience as a dedicated student has given me a deep appreciation for the transformative power of yoga. I've explored various styles over the years, but yin yoga has captured my heart with its gentle yet profound approach to wellness.

My classes are born from a genuine desire to share the gifts yoga has given me. I believe that the ancient wisdom of yoga and Buddhist philosophy can offer much-needed balanceĀ and insight in our modern world. That's why I weave these teachings into our practice, making them accessible and relevant to everyday life.

I'm not about perfect poses or Instagram-worthy aesthetics. Instead, I'm here to create a warm, inclusive space where you can explore, grow, and find your own unique expression of yoga.

When I'm not on the mat, you'll find me wrangling my toddlers or in nature. I'm always eager to learn and grow, both as a teacher and as a student of life.

I'm thrilled to be on this journey with you. Let's breathe, stretch, and discover together!