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Above It

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Above It- Master Your Craft. Balance Your Life.
As a highly accomplished dental practice owner and successful former pharmacist with over 20 years of healthcare experience, I possess a wealth of knowledge and skills that enable me to help women in dentistry achieve their full potential and live the life of their dreams.
With an unwavering passion for empowering women in the dental profession, I am dedicated to helping you overcome challenges and obstacles to lead a fulfilling life.
As a wife and dedicated mother of three miracle children, I understand the need to balance personal and professional commitments.
With my expertise in coaching, I can help you develop a clear sense of purpose and passion, and achieve a balanced and fulfilling life.
Drawing on my extensive experience and neuroleadership approach, I am committed to harnessing your innate feminine power with my revolutionary LEADING DENTAL WOMAN METHOD.
My unique approach will support you to overcome your limiting beliefs, stress, overwhelm, and elevate your self-belief, allowing you to unleash your unique talents, have freedom and achieve success in both your career and personal life. Learn how to let go of your guilt, ego, expectations and see who you really are now. Together, we reignite your light. 
My strengths in emotional intelligence, mindset mastery, and neuroscience concepts, combined with a highly engaging and personalised approach, position me to bring out the best in you, and elevate you towards your bright future.
So let’s work together to unlock your full potential today!
Leading Dental Woman … a 90 Day transformational journey exclusively for women in dentistry who are ready to elevate.  
Click here to start a conversation with me or book a time to chat.
Get ready for a huge BOOST coming your way as soon as you join my FREE Facebook group, Women In Dentistry.

💖Vicky x