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Access Art
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At Access Art, we work within our local community to provide underprivileged youth access to the arts. We partner with other nonprofits to ensure that the children in our community have the tools they need to have a positive, safe environment to be expressive and create.

​Some of the things we do is provide scholarships for youth to take music or dance lessons and participate in various art-focused activities. If a child wants to take an art class but cannot afford supplies, we will get them the supplies. We work with local artists to provide a variety of group art lessons for no cost to any youth in our community; all supplies are provided.

​In a time when the youth in this country are facing more and more challenges, school budgets, and creative arts programs are being cut, we wanted to make sure our youth are not being forgotten and that EVERYONE has the opportunity to have a positive outlet!

We host multiple events throughout the year to serve as fundraisers for our nonprofit. Check out some of our events on our website or social media pages.