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AcuSonic Healing is a brand new offering to the community from 2024 with the mission of providing a holistic and immersive healing experience that is accessible for all. Our vision is to elevate human consciousness and liberate all beings from suffering. As a social enterprise, we use our proceeds for supporting indigenous elders and Buddhist monastics around the world, as a way to thank them for their teachings and nurturing our communities. 

The Founder Anisha Shen is a long-term meditator, sound-healing connoisseur, budding musician and student of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Native American healing practices. She is very interested in esoteric acupuncture and loves playing the hand pan, ukulele, medicine drum and guzheng (Chinese zither).  

Our team also includes experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners and sound healers. Dr May Guo (TCM) has 40+ years of practice both in Australia and overseas. Dr Liz Magnussen is also a TCM practitioner and a Buddhist sangha leader. Sat Ajeet is a Kundalini yoga teacher with a background in Hatha yoga and meditation, offering gong sound bath. Tomoko Yano is a qualified Remedial Massage Therapist and sound healer, offering Singing Ring - a uniquely crafted Japanese singing bowl played on the body. Roger Ly is a qualified Remedial Massage Therapist, certified dry needling practitioner and multi-talented musician.