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Alegra Deva

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Alegra is an Australian breath-work, conscious movement and meditation facilitator who has lived and shared her gifts in Japan and Brazil for 2 decades, finally returning to her homeland to raise her son and share her offerings. Over the years she has studied various healing modalities and spiritual paths allowing her to accumulate a wide variety of experience to share at her gatherings. 

Alegra has a community based, heart centered, gentle approach with the gifts she brings as a facilitator, allowing the recipient to feel safe and held in the space. She is passionate about the transformational qualities of movement, meditation and breath-work. She believes the body keeps the score, giving you the tools to dive deep within your transformational journey while staying connected to the heart. She also believes spiritual, mental and physical growth can be approached with grace. 

Alegra is now based on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and is the founder of NakedBreath. She facilitates workshops, gatherings and 1:1 sessions for breath-work, conscious movement and meditation.

#alegradeva #nakedbreath #alegrahorstman #breathwork