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Altru Ltd was established for the public charitable purposes of providing benevolent relief to people in need due to distress, poverty, destitution, homelessness, disability, or some other disadvantage including (for example) through the provision of:

1. Support, care and outreach programs; and

2. Events and activities designed to provide support and relief for the beneficiaries, such as relief, education (tutoring) and development mentoring programs.


Altru hosts an annual outreach activation event "Altru Festival".
 It is an innovative action of tangible effective altruism. We aim to connect vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals with the resources they need to succeed. This event provides continued support and serves as a pathway to success for those who need it most.

Our charity's mission is to create a positive movement of change. To raise awareness of the true statistics regarding underprivileged communities, youth, and homelessness in Australia, and to identify and endorse effective prevention and solutions to bridge the gap in government funding.

We endeavor to initiate projects that address these issues with the support of the philanthropic community.