American Living Organ Donor Fund

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The American Living Organ Donor Fund (ALODF) was started in 2014 to help living organ donors. For his part, Michael had two kidney transplants from deceased donors as a child. Michael wanted to start an organization in his mother’s memory. She donated her kidney to him in 2001 (his third transplant), and she passed away a few years later. At its core, the organization believes that living organ donation should be cost-neutral to the donor, so the group makes direct grants to help living organ donors overcome financial obstacles to their donation.  Almost half of all organ donors are living organ donors. They are the unsung heroes of the transplant story. The American Living Organ Donor Fund ( is a GuideStar Platinum-rated 501(c)(3) whose mission is to protect the rights of living organ donors and to make sure the procedure is cost-neutral. The Living Organ Donor Fund is need-blind and makes direct grants to living organ donors both pre and post-donation to cover donation related expenses (including but not limited to lost wages, travel, lodging, child care, caregiver, etc.).   The organization serves all kinds of living organ donors – kidney, bone marrow, liver, and lung. Living organ donors, on average, spend $5,000 out-of-pocket, but sometimes costs go as high as $20,000. Only 8% of Americans can afford to donate an organ without using their savings or going into debt. In less than 5 years, the organization has helped make more than 150+ living organ donation transplants possible. Living organ donors are doing enough by donating an organ, so they and their families should not also have to suffer financially.   In addition to making direct grants, the organization has a diverse variety of initiatives which include providing information for donors, educating the public on living organ donation, and working on policy initiatives to address living organ donors’ needs and protecting their rights. The organization also has an online donor and potential donor only support group with 1000+ members and a new program to provide pro bono psychological counseling. Your contribution can make a different between life and death in the future of someone in need of an organ transplant. Help us fulfill our mission by making a donation.