The Among Friends Sexual Self-Determination Certification Program offers trainings designed to increase awareness about social-sexual issues for vulnerable people; such as someone with developmental disabilities, a traumatic brain injury, sexually maladaptive behaviors, or mental health issues.
Our training material is targeted at the people who support the individual. Examples include: brokerage staff, case managers, foster care providers, care takers, families, special education teachers, etc. Some examples of training topics include: proactive behavior supports, talking about sex and sexuality, puberty vs. adolescence, and supporting sexual and gender minorities with I/DD.
Our trainer, Shanya Luther, is a social-sexual ecologist and professional in the field of human sexuality, with more than 20 years of experience.
Shanya utilizes an ecological framework and her work is guided by new discoveries in neurobiology, developments in attachment theory, and the critical field of trauma informed care. She writes, speaks and presents and consults about all facets of sexuality; specializing in healthy relationships and healthy sexual development.